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Comments from the President of the Dallas Geophysical Society


March 4, 2025 

Dear Members of the Dallas Geophysical Society, 

The Board of the Dallas Geophysical Society is excited to update you with our exciting lineup of events for this spring. We are planning a variety of activities that will cater to technical and social interests, and we hope you will join us in making these events a success. 

March Luncheon - Evan Mutual, QEye Using Probabilistic Inversion to Understand a Stratigraphic Sequence in a Poorly Resolved Unconventional Reservoir 
March 25 - Addison, TX 

Join us for an insightful luncheon where Evan Mutual from QEye will discuss the use of probabilistic inversion to understand stratigraphic sequences in poorly resolved unconventional reservoirs. This is a great opportunity to learn from an expert in the field and network with fellow members. 

April 17th Technical Talk - Trevor Richards, North Dakota CCS Monitoring  

Mark your calendars for our April Technical Talk. You and your CCUS team won’t want to miss this talk focusing on more efficient lower impact options for monitoring CO2 injection at CCS and CCUS sites across North Dakota. 

Collaborative Event with Dallas Geological Society   

We are excited to announce the joint Dallas Geophysical and Geological Society (DGGS) 2025 Crawfish Boil at Winfrey Point at White Rock Lake on Thursday, April 24th from 5:30p – 7:30p.  Sponsorship spots are available.   

May Technical Talk - Matt McChesney, International Talk - Southern Hungary 

Seismic-driven Appraisal Program Unlocks Low-Permeability, Syn-rift, Gas-Condensate Play" followed by a Social Happy Hour on May 21st 

We encourage you to mark these dates and participate in as many events as possible. Your involvement and participation are what makes your geophysical society successful. Please reach out to the Board if you are interested in helping to fill any leadership roles. If there is not one available, we will create one for you.  If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at 

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. 

Warm regards, 

Dallas Geophysical Society Board 

Please feel free to contact us through our website email.